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Cardiac Evaluation With Echo

A cardiac assessment at Primary Care SA involves a detailed evaluation of your heart and vascular health. In addition to reviewing your medical history, our team conducts a thorough physical examination from head to toe. This initial screening provides crucial insights that guide the selection of appropriate tests to accurately assess your cardiac well-being.

What Is A Cardiac Evaluation?

A cardiac evaluation comprehensively assesses the health of your heart and blood vessels.

Beginning with a detailed review of your medical history, the Primary Care SA team conducts a thorough physical exam to gather crucial information necessary for determining the appropriate cardiac tests.

Cardiac echo test San Antonio, TX
Cardiac echo test San Antonio, TX

What Tests Does A Cardiac Evaluation Include?

The specific tests included in your cardiac evaluation are tailored to your medical history, symptoms, and physical exam results. Standard tests may consist of:

  • Echocardiogram: Also known as an echo, this ultrasound test assesses heart function by producing real-time images of its structure, chambers, and valves using high-frequency sound waves.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): Measures the electrical activity of your heart to evaluate its rhythm and detect abnormalities.
  • Exercise stress test: Evaluate heart function under stress by monitoring EKG readings while you exercise on a treadmill.
  • Blood work: Helps assess heart health by measuring specific proteins released into the bloodstream during stress or heart muscle damage.

Multiple tests may be recommended during your cardiac evaluation to provide a comprehensive assessment of your cardiovascular health.

Why Might I Need A Cardiac Evaluation?

Primary Care SA recommends cardiac evaluations for individuals with:

Family history of heart disease Age over 65 High cholesterol Hypertension (high blood pressure) Obesity Diabetes Tobacco use Symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, or shortness of breath also warrant a cardiac evaluation.

Please contact Primary Care SA today or book an appointment online to discover more about our thorough cardiac evaluation services.

Echocardiogram Test San Antonio, TX